Introducing the endorsed candidate for 50B!
Published by SD50 Republicans –
Chad Anderson is our newly endorsed candidate for the State House of Representatives, District 50B!
The convention kicked off with two well qualified candidates in Chad Anderson and Sanu Patel-Zellinger. They are both passionate conservatives with dynamic backgrounds, strong convictions, strong voices, and the desire to do what it takes to win the seat in February. It was clear that both had put in considerable thought and effort into obtaining the endorsement and that translated into excitement. The turnout exceeded expectations both for of delegates/alternates as well as for observers and guests which ended up being standing room only. In the end there can only be one endorsement which Chad secured in a single ballot victory. Sanu was gracious in defeat and offered to help Chad in his pursuit of victory in February.
Please join us in congratulating Chad, but more importantly contact Chad, go to his website ( and provide as much support as you can. Host a sign, volunteer time, donate, etc. The election is in early February so this is an all hands on deck scenario for an open seat. Through your help and support we will have a Republican representing Bloomington in the spring legislative session. It has been far too long. Now is our time to make the difference.